Thursday, May 29, 2008
Checking in on things after work yesterday.
This was the first I saw of my lettuce, planted four to the square. I planted these on Monday the 29th, so it took about 10 days for these to pop up. I'm hoping one of the seeds in the lower right corner germinated and that we'll see that one next.
The lettuce again, with the first row of peas visible in the square above it.
The bean plants are juuuust starting to show themselves. It's hard to see in this picture but there are nine little bumps in the soil here, where the plants are starting to push up. I could only see the green tip poking through on one or two of them, and am betting that the rest of them will be appearing today.
The king of the garden so far, my yellow pepper, transplanted into the garden on 5/19 after being grown from seed by Trevor.
The two in the back are tomatoes, a brandywine in the top left corner and a beefsteak two squares to the right. The yellow pear tomato is the big one in the second row, and a jalapeno is two squares to the right. In the bottom right corner is the cayenne pepper. These all seem to be growing strong.
See how the yellow pepper is off-center in its square? I planted that "lay-me-down" style, by digging a trench and laying the plant horizontally in it. The young stem was flexible enough that I could gently bend the top part up into a vertical position and then pack some soil around it so it stood up straight. This keeps the roots and stem closer to the surface where the soil is warmer and gives the roots room to grow down through the soil as it matures.
The yellow tomato plant and me.
In the second row from the top, far right, you can just see four little plants. Those are my orange California poppies, the one thing I planted on 5/13. All four seem to be growing well and I should be able to thin them out this weekend.