Tuesday, April 3, 2007

No Worries, it's Under Control

From an article on espn.go.com about the ovation that 25-year old Cincinnati Reds outfielder Josh Hamilton was given before his first career at-bat:

In that moment, he hadn't done anything yet as a major leaguer. His at-bat in the eighth inning of the Cincinnati Reds' 5-1 victory over the Chicago Cubs on Monday was the first of his career.

It's what he had already accomplished in his personal life -- getting his cocaine addiction under control, getting his life back on track -- that made the crowd of 42,720 stand and cheer.

What the hell is "under control" with regard to a coke addiction? I mean, I've got my porn addiction "under control" but I'd hate to get tested at work to see if there was any masturbation in my bloodstream.

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